Huey & Dasher

CIB ch, DE Ch (VDH & DRC), Lux Ch, CW'24, SE VCH, J

Magicfox`s Truly Madly Deeply "Dasher"


Dasher was born on Monday 23 December 2019 in Jumesniemie, Hämeenkyrö (30 kilometers from Tampere), Finland at Kennel Magic Fox. He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters.

Dasher is a son of our boy Huey.

He is a very active, playful and adventurous young dog. He is very happy and open minded and respects other animals. This makes him also a very easy going dog to take with you to different places.

He loves people a lot. It's difficult for him not to say 'Hi' to everyone.

Working with his nose and investigating all sorts of things is one of his favourite things to do. He loves being challenged and is very persistent in getting the job done.

During his first year of life, we paid attention to basic obedience and began to explore where Dasher's passion lies.
The first two years were not always easy because of COVID-19. Much of the year the country was in lock down or the measures were so limited, we were not able to expose him as much to events, large groups of people and dogs. Nonetheless, he did pick up everything very well and seems to enjoy everything we do.

He has completed three Body Awareness courses. Here he learned to move consciously over different articles/surfaces. He really enjoyed this and is very curious.
Because of lockdowns, we could not train in a (puppy) hunting group in his first year and therefore started working with dummies and cold game ourselves. In the second year it was possible to start training in a hunting group from the summer onwards. For him a new experience where he also learned a lot. At the end of the '21 season he participated in two competitions and despite everything was new, he did great and got an SJP B certificate. He has obtained his MAP B diploma in 2024, and we are now working towards an A diploma.

Besides the hunting training he has been along on a number of occasions for practical hunting. He has already collected some nice retrieves but there is still plenty to learn. You can clearly see that retrieving is his thing and he enjoys it.

Every other week, Dasher has a blood tracking training, and he loves it. He really enjoys working on a blood track with his nose and is very good at it. In 2023, he achieved a pass in the beginners class in Sweden in one attempt, which promoted him to the open class. 
In 2024, he achieved a 1st prize three times in a row in the open class with very nice words from all the judges. With this, he has become the Swedish Tracking Champion!

He is also absolutely crazy about water. You can't walk past a puddle or ditch without him being in it. Something that is often fine but at times can also be very annoying and irritating, especially when you're on time or when he has to stay 'clean and dry'. But I guess that's also part of life with a Toller too!

He participated in his first show in September 2020. He didn't know where to look, so many people and dogs were there (up until that point the whole country was in lockdown). He had not been introduced to so many crowds before and was very curious to investigate everything and everyone. He clearly had fun and got a nice result at his very first show by becoming Best male (BOS).
Dasher is a dog that needed time to develop. He maintained a youthful appearance for a long time, but since his third year, he has  appeared to be more mature. He has since achieved very nice show results, including the titles of German Show Champion, Luxembourg Champion, and in 2024, he became Club Winner at the Champion Club Show where 108 Tollers were entered!

We will continue showing him every now and than but our main focus will be competing in several working tests (SJP, MAP, Tolling, Tracking etc).

  Below is an overview of his certificates obtained:


   Puppy course
   Young Dog Obedience course
   Social Dog training course

Hunting Training:

   Club Diploma C (dummies)
   Club Diploma B (dummies)

   Working Test B1 (dummies

   SJP C diploma (cold game)
   SJP B diploma (cold game)

   MAP B diploma (cold game)

Tollingjaktprov (koud wild)
   Beginnersclass Good (3rd prize)

Viltspårprov (zweetproef in Zweden)
    Anlagsclass Pass
    Open class 3 x 1 Prize

Work titles:

Svenskt viltspårprovschampionat (SE VCH)
J = Jaktprovsmeriterad (Hunting Test Qualification in Sweden)

Waterwerk (Wa) annotation & gunsteady (Sv) annotation

Show titles:

International Beauty Champion (CIB)
Champion International d'Exposition (CIE) - pending
German Champion (VDH)
German Champion (DRC)
Luxembourg Champion
Club Winner 2024
Belgium Winner 2024
Jubiläumsweihnachtssieger 2023

2nd Best in Show Working, IDS Leeuwarden 2023
Best in show at the Championship Club Show (KCM'24) - 108 entrees

We are hoping that we will be able to attend some more events/competitions to give him more experience and of course to get some nice results. Something we are looking forward to.

Because of his character, good working ability and health results we have decided to make him available as a stud, for suitable females. All necessary tests have been done and the results can be found under health results.

Dasher has been approved as a study dog by the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club in the Netherlands. In 2023 he became a father for the first time. Please click on offspring for more information on his progeny.

If you want to use Dasher as stud or want more information, please contact us.

Below pictures of his parents:

Ch. Alba Nuadh Gwenny's Working Secret "Huey"             Ch. Magicfox`s Nebbiolo "Minku"